Protesting Koran Desecration
As soon as I find any balanced comment on these protests by any leader of the 'peaceful' religion of Islam, I will update this post.
served ice-cold, with a twist
by Planet Earth's first post-progressive blogger
The Jordanian thug Fadhel Nazal Al-Khalayla (Zarqawi) 38 years has died.I will stay on the alert for confirmation and post it here as soon as I get it.
He received treatment from Arab doctors who were not very experts and lacking intensive care equipments which he needed for his puncture in the right lung. His wounds infection gets resistance to the antibiotics. He had what is called septicemia which is according to doctors an infection of the blood resulted from infected wound. Zarqawi's systems started to fail including his kidney and liver.
He died and now in the hands of the Keepers of the Hell in its worst level.
His family in Jordan preparing and expected to do Fataha (funeral for him soon).
Jordan again put itself in the opposite front of the civilized world and with the terrorist.
The Iraqis and all other civilised people should protest strongly against any funeral events for Zarqawi in Jordan
This news verbal and is yet to be confirmed [...]
The family of injured Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi - al-Qaeda's pointman in Iraq - is already preparing his obituary, the Saudi daily al-Watan said on Friday, quoting sources close to the family. Al-Zarqawi's close relatives, all of whom live in the Jordanian city of Zarqa, are reported to be in state of high tension over the conflicting reports circulating over his state of health, and are only waiting for officials to confirm his death before releasing the death notice.Jordanian security forces have surrounded the Ramzi quarter of Zarqa where al-Zarqawi's family lives, al-Watan said. Relatives have confirmed that al-Zarqawi's wife and four children fled to Iraq in secret six months ago.
On Thursday, Iraq's defence minister confirmed that al-Zarqawi had been injured, but would reveal no further details. This followed a message on Tuesday, which al-Qaeda posted to a website often used by the terror network, calling on Muslims to pray for al-Zarqawi, and saying he had fled to a neightbouring country after his injuries to his right lung.
While European negotiators focus on Iran's development of enriched plutonium, U.S. intelligence officials say Tehran already has completed all of the elements required for an atomic bomb.more at WND
The news has stunned President Bush, according to Geostrategy Direct, an intelligence news service led by national security reporter Bill Gertz of the Washington Times.
"It's an incredible piece of intelligence that overshadows everything we thought we knew on Iran's nuclear program," one U.S. intelligence source said.
Geostrategy says the intelligence information asserts North Korea this year transferred components to Iran to assemble a plutonium-based nuclear warhead.
The components were believed to have originated in Pakistan.
Iran insists its nuclear program is only for generation of electricity. But Washington contends Tehran's intentions are not peaceful, pointing to an enrichment program hidden from U.N. inspectors for nearly two decades before it was officially declared in October 2003.
The CIA has been tracking for the past two years Iran's efforts to enrich uranium for a nuclear weapon, Geostrategy reports.
All of the agency's assessments were based on how much technology and enriched uranium Iran had obtained for its first nuclear warhead.
While dismayed by Iran's efforts, the CIA believed Iran needed at least another three years before it could assemble an atomic bomb.
"Instead, the entire Iranian uranium enrichment effort appears to have concealed a much more immediate aim," Geostrategy says.
Meanwhile, the head of the U.N. atomic watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, praised Iran for its decision Wednesday to continue suspension of its enrichment program and to continue talks with the EU-3 -- France, German and Britain.
In exchange, the Europeans will present plans for economic and political incentives that will become part of a final deal.
Also, the World Trade Organization rewarded Tehran for its decision by opening membership negotiations...
In late 2004, says Geostrategy, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps tested a command and control network that would permit a nuclear weapons warhead to be placed on an enhanced Shihab-3 intermediate-range missile.
The CIA believes Iran could immediately assemble several nuclear warheads for the Shihab-3 arsenal.
"This means that U.S. forces in Iraq and southern Europe are under immediate Iranian threat," Geostrategy says. "Israel and Saudi Arabia are already under Iranian nuclear threat."
The CIA first obtained reports in 1994 of Iran obtaining plutonium components from North Korea.
The latest information, however, comes from a new and far more reliable source, Geostrategy says...
History records that in the First Crusade Bohemund I, a Norman lord, had red crosses cut from his mantles and distributed to the 12,000 crusaders, who wore them as a distinctive badge on their garments.Red and white - the colours of the Crusades! Of course! Remarkable that a country which embraces diversity and respect, and also has a fast-growing Islamic community alludes to the Crusades in explaining its official colours (parenthetical side note for additional research: aren't these Crusades colours also the official colours of the Liberal Party of Canada?)
In subsequent crusades, each nation was distinguished by a cross of a different colour. France long had a red cross on its banners while England used a white cross. Time and again in history red and white are found as the colours of France or of England.
O Canada!"In all thy sons command"? Wait a minute, what about "all thy daughters"? Patriotism is not just for fellows, is it? It's blatantly sexist!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
"[...] is the man whose voice is heard clearly on a tape (transcript - audio) offering a bribe to a Conservative MP. [...] he doesn't appear too concerned about this proof of his guilt in a serious crime being available on the internet [...]"It's there for anyone to read - an explicit allegation of a bribe being offered to an MP.
The Criminal Code says it's an offence to offer a reward to an MP for a vote [...]
It has been a year since the Canadian Supreme Court heard the case, a rare delay that is raising eyebrows in legal circles. Scholars studying Chaoulli's challenge say that the court is either badly divided or waiting for the appropriate political moment to release a bombshell.The Supreme Court is supposedly apolitical.
[...]Forgive me, I am having a bit of a problem with the circularity of this fortifying gibberish. It was the lack of ethics that caused me to lose confidence and faith in our system of government.
Only when the people of Canada have renewed confidence and faith in the systems of government can we return to ethics and civility.
[...] "Women commit the majority of child homicides in the United States, a greater share of physical child abuse, an equal rate of sibling violence and assaults on the elderly, about a quarter of child sexual abuse, an overwhelming share of the killings of newborns, and a fair preponderance of spousal assaults," writes feminist author and crime journalist Patricia Pearson in her book "When She Was Bad: Violent Women and the Myth of Innocence."Does the very act of even considering that there may be reason to reconsider some widely held myths render one a scary right-wing wacko? Or is that in itself another widely held myth?
"Thousands of men were led out of the [Nanjing International Safety] Zone, ostensibly for labour battalions, and lined up and machine-gunned. Sometimes groups were used for bayonet exercises. When the victors grew bored with such mild sport they tied their victims, poured kerosene over their heads, and cremated them alive. Others were taken out to empty trenches, and told to simulate Chinese soldiers. Japanese officers then led their men in assaults to capture these "enemy positions" and bayoneted the unarmed defenders."--Edgar Snow, Scoched Earth, London (1941), p. 62.
"In the not too distant future there will be a crackdown on bloggers that express dissenting opinion. It will be subtle, cleverly crafted and orchestrated, but effective."Who thinks I'm wrong?
We can never replace a fellow Marine or best friend but I can attest that he died doing what we all hope to be doing as Marines, they were advancing, leading, and setting the example - they were being MARINES! It may not matter in the grand scheme of things to anyone but us, but we are singularly proud that we have and know Marines that fought and died like these. We remember and memorialize them and keep them alive every single time we put on this uniform — we are just honored to wear the same eagle, globe, and anchor as these warrior/heroes. We don’t make policy, we don’t decide on the fight, but we do fight and win. And when we win, it is because every one of these Marines fight with us in sprit - and we will not, we cannot let them down. To we Marines, Semper Fidelis is more than a motto - it was to them, and to us who were privileged to fight with them, a way of life.LGF
Bank Austria Cayman Islands Ltd., Georgetown, Grand Cayman Islands c 100.00
[...] and the supervisory board boss of the bank Austria, Gerhard Randa [...] [translated from German - always a special surprise]
Bank Austria Cayman Islands Ltd., George TownWhat's it all mean? I thought the disclosure thing was kind of eye-catching. Expect we'll be seeing more disclosures sooner or later - and you never know what language they'll be in - so, for a warmup, I thought I would give the nifty Google German-English translation feature a test drive. A bit loose on the corners, but fairly decent performance in the straightaways.
BA-Alpine Holdings, Inc., Wilmington
"Parliamentary precedents are clear," the veteran Speaker said. "The Speaker should vote, whenever possible, for continuation of debate."Now back to enjoying watching the Liberal Party turn on the Gomery spit, while it lasts.
"Responsible government denotes a system wherein the members of Cabinet are collectively responsible to the elected House for the actions of the executive. If they lose the confidence or support of the elected House, they must resign or seek a new mandate.We continue in a state of dictatorship.
Conventions and precedent remain to this day the basis of responsible government in Canada."
[thanks for the quote, Habamus Rodentum]
"In the not too distant future there will be a crackdown on bloggers that express dissenting opinion. It will be subtle, cleverly crafted and orchestrated, but effective."Who thinks I'm wrong?
Here it is:
"A recent poll of Quebecers concluded that 75% of them (+) said they would be more likely to vote to separate from Canada if the Liberals are re-elected.
"In recent months, it has become clear that many senior members of the Liberal Party of Canada have been engaged in a long-running, organized enterprise to steal millions of taxpayer dollars through a variety of illegal schemes.
"These crimes have humiliated and embarrassed the proud and honourable people of Quebec. In fact, Quebecers have been more horrified and disgusted than anyone to see what the Liberals have been up to for the past dozen years.
"In the wake of these disgusting revelations, Quebecers have made it very clear that they've had it with the Liberals.
"In years past, the Liberal Party of Canada was a solid option for voters who wanted Canada to remain unified and strong. Based on what the people of Quebec are saying, this is no longer the case.
"You may not know it, but if you vote for the Liberals, you are sending a very negative message to the people of Quebec. You are telling them that you endorse the Liberals' humiliation of Quebec. You are telling them that you don't care if they go.
"Is that the message you want to send to Quebecers? Are you willing to vote Liberal even though it may well cause the break-up of Canada?
The choice is yours."
NOTE: (+)... If this poll hasn't been commissioned by the CPC yet... they need their heads examined. Is Stockwell Day still really in charge of this party?
Posted by: gwgm 5/16/2005 8:39PM.
119 (1)Every one who...(b) gives or offers, corruptly, to a person mentioned in paragraph (a) any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment in respect of anything done or omitted by him in his official capacity for himself or another person, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen years. [ed - bold mine]This is why the PM should have respected the conventions of the Westminster system and either dissolved Parliament, or tabled an explicit motion of nonconfidence in the House last Wednesday.
I also want to point out what procure is: "to obtain by any means"
an excerpt from tape:
"Murphy also says that it is a "bad idea" to "have any kind of commitment that involves an explicit trade."
procurement doesn't need to be explicit.
125. Every one who
(a) receives, agrees to receive, gives or procures to be given, directly or indirectly, a reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for cooperation, assistance or exercise of influence to secure the appointment of any person to an office,
(b)solicits, recommends or negotiates in ANY MANNER [my emphasis]with respect to an appointment to or resignation from an office, in expectation of a direct or indirect reward, advantage or benefit, or
(c) keeps without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him, a place for transacting or negotiating any business relating to
(i)the filling of vacancies in offices,
(ii)the sale or purchases of offices, or
(iii) appointments to or resignations from offices,
is guilty of an indictable offense and liabled to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years. R.S., c C-34, s. 114
“will assume responsibilities for democratic renewal and will help guide the implementation of the recommendations that flow from the Gomery Commission’s final report.”"Democratic renewal"? Why, whatever would we need that for? Mr. Slithers, what democratic problems do you see calling out for democratic renewal. Really. Look right into the camera and tell us. What are the problems you are talking about that need democratic renewal?
[...] The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) has agreed with Envoy's complaint and Recommended(ordered) PWGSC to re-evaluate the bids using a BRAND NEW COMMITTEE [...]My source further claims that this information came to him directly from Envoy.
[...] Another avenue the opposition may choose to explore is the links between the new prime minister and his legions of political donors, who have contributed an astounding $11 million to fund Mr. Martin's leadership campaign. The donor list reads like Who's Who of Canada's corporate elite, with Bay Street entrepreneurs such as Gerry Schwartz and Miles Nadal, and blue chippers such as Joe Rotman. There are loyal Liberal backers like Toronto developer Elvio Del Zotto and Senator Leo Kolber, and craven right-wingers, like Hal Jackman and the Stronach family of Magna Corp. Vancouver billionaire Jim Pattison gave from the west coast and the Irving family from the east.Do we need to be concerned that our national security might be for sale?
The donors' list shows that Mr. Martin's support from the business world is transnational, with Chinese billionaire Li Ka Shing and Hong Kong airline operate David TK Ho donors to the Martin leadership campaign, through Canadian companies. [...]
[...] "This document does not present theories but indicators of a multi-faceted threat to Canada's national security based on concrete facts drawn from the databanks of the two agencies involved, classified reports from allied agencies and various open sources."
Later in the next paragraph, it says, "It should be reiterated that this report presents concrete facts, not just ideas or speculation."
Let there be no doubt in your mind that the [...] report does nothing to dispel the fundamental criticism and allegations made by the people who worked on [...].
In a previous column, I explained the presence on the [...] committee of Bob Rae, former Premier of Ontario and brother of Jean Chrétien's campaign manager, John Rae. But there is another member of that committee whom we need to have a peek at.
POLICE in Tanzania arrested two men accused of killing a nine-year-old boy and selling his skin for 20,000 shillings (£10) to make magical charms, an officer said yesterday.[...]Human skins are used by witch doctors, especially in southern Tanzania, to make charms or potions designed to make their users rich.Do we have to respect every ancient tradition in every culture? It should be a serious crime to create or possess these 'charms' and 'potions'. There should be no such market.
SCIENTISTS will today unveil results from the first large-scale human trial into a vaccine for nicotine which could see people immunised against addictions to smoking within the next five years.[...]The article goes on to explain that the mechanism employed is to incite the creation of antibodies that are receptive to nicotine, forming a combined molecule that is too large to cross the blood/brain barrier.
Reportedly, overthrown Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has decided to write his memoirs in prison[...]Saddam aims to trouble the great powers, which used him as a tool against Iran after the revolution in 1979 for a period of time, by writing down his memories. It is claimed that Saddam will specifically disclose how France and Great Britain betrayed him by helping Iran during the Iran-Iraq war between 1980 and 1988.[...]Oil for Food. Pages for Extra Exercise Time.
A real estate company is accusing the federal government of rigging a lucrative contract and failing to follow rules that would have handed it to the lowest bidder. Bruce Atyeo, owner of Envoy Relocation Services, questioned how he lost a contract to move defence department staff and soldiers, even though his bid was $8.6 million lower and offered more than the minimum requirements.and here
"How can you be that compliant and lower in price and still not win. It just flies in the face of common sense, let alone good purchasing practice," Atyeo said in an interview.
The contract to move public servants, and a separate one to relocate soldiers, were yanked from Royal LePage Relocation Services in 2003 under allegations the federal books had been cooked in its favour.
Federal officials reopened the bidding, and a new $154-million combined contract was awarded to Royal LePage last April.
During the last competition, bureaucrats decided to have price count for only 25%, and the remaining points went to the bidder's computer system, relocation system, management team and training program.
Atyeo has appealed the contract award decision to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal and the Federal Court of Appeal.
He said, since Royal LePage's system was already in place, it was guaranteed a perfect score. It got 99%.
"We scored 919 points out of 1,000 possible points, we were over $8 million cheaper and we still lose because, of course, the incumbent is going to score almost perfect," he said.
By STEPHANIE RUBEC, Ottawa Bureau, Winnipeg Sun
Public servants accused of cooking the books when awarding a $1-billion federal contract were asked by an internal investigator to take a polygraph test. The highly unusual request was included in the notes of Public Works investigator Michel Genest, obtained by Sun Media under the Access to Information Act.
Genest grilled each member of the selection committee responsible for picking Royal LePage Relocation to move 12,000 soldiers and RCMP officers annually, and asked if they'd be willing to take a lie-detector test, according to the documents.
[Heavily edited report]
Their answers were deleted from the handwritten notes by Public Works' access officers who cited privacy reasons. They took more than one year to release the report.
The selection committee came under fire when it was revealed some of its members accepted gifts ranging from sweaters to a free cruise from Royal LePage Relocation before handing the real estate giant the lucrative $1-billion contract.
Genest's probe wrapped up last fall as the Canadian International Trade Tribunal ordered the feds to re-open the bidding on the contract, ruling that public servants had played favourites.
A source familiar with the investigation said when the department re-evaluated the bids for the 2002 five-year contract on the instructions of the Trade Tribunal, Royal LePage was not the clear winner.
Brascan Corporation 2002 Business Liberal Party $7,563.02
Brascan Corporation 2001 Business Liberal Party $5,916.52
Brascan Corporation 2003 Business Liberal Party $5,889.00
(no entries for 2004 found)
Royal LePage Relocation Services 2003 Business Liberal Party $1,000.00
(no entries for 2004 found)
J. Eyton 2003 Individual Progressive Conservative Party $2,525.50
J. Hon. Eyton, 2001 Individual Progressive Conservative Party $1,402.22
J.T. Eyton 2002 Individual Progressive Conservative Party $1,311.98
J. Trevor Eyton 2002 Individual Liberal Party $1,000.00
Christopher Eyton 2003 Individual Progressive Conservative Party $695.29
Sarah Eyton 2004 Individual Conservative Party (CPC) $400.00
Anthony Eyton 2004 Individual Conservative Party (CPC) $200.00
[...] 4. Prior to the expiry of the IRP contract with Royal LePage Relocation Services (RLRS), Treasury Board Ministers also authorized the Treasury Board Secretariat to initiate a tender process for a new contract. This was done in accordance with Government of Canada contracting policy, and with the assistance of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). A number of organizations expressed interest in bidding for this contract. Following an evaluation of bids received, Royal LePage Relocation Services was identified as the successful bidder. The contract is for 5 years, with a possible extension for another two years. [...]It sounds as though, from the reading of Hansard, that after enough disquieting facts emerged, a retendering process was undertaken before the end of the existing contract (I have posted the Hansard excerpts elsewhere). If indeed the contract was retendered unilaterally, then did LePage mount an effort to hold the government to the contract, and if not, why not? It was a substantial piece of business (a billion or so?), apparently retendered before expiry without much of a fuss by the incumbent. I'm mystified.
NEWS RELEASE TRANSMITTED BY CCNMatthewsSo, an internal investigation concluded that the initial contract awarding process was just fine - which, logically, one would expect to have been the position of the contractor all along.
PWGSC: Minister Brison Announces Relocation Contract
NOVEMBER 2, 2004 - 15:24:36 ET
GATINEAU, QUEBEC--(CCNMatthews - Nov. 2, 2004) - Two competitive
contracts were awarded to Royal LePage Relocation Services in the amount of $154,263,000 for relocating government employees across Canada and abroad. The announcement was made today by the Honourable Scott Brison, Minister of Public Works and Government Services.
"The awarding of these contracts to Royal LePage Relocation
Services was done through a competitive, open and transparent
process," said Minister Brison.
- The contract for National Defence is estimated to be valued at
- The contract for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and
Government of Canada employees will have an estimated value of
It is anticipated that the work period for both contracts will commence on December 1, 2004 and run until November 30, 2009. Each contract has an option to extend the contract period for one additional two-year period.
Royal LePage Relocation Services will administer the relocation process, which includes taking advantage of volume purchases and providing advice to relocating employees and their families. The use of the department's Integrated Relocation Program is mandatory for members of the Canadian Forces and the RCMP, public service executives, deputy ministers, Governor-in-Council appointees and Public Service employees represented by unions. In 2003, there were 14,772 moves under the Program.
"This type of government-wide purchasing is part of our strategy to
generate best value for taxpayers in existing initiatives, such as travel modernization. It will become more and more important as we move forward with our "smart buying" initiative to better manage purchasing for the government," added Minister Brison.
This re-tendering process stemmed from a ruling by the Canadian International Trade Tribunal and allegations of conflict of interest received by the department in March 2003 relating to the earlier awarding of this contract. An internal departmental investigation, which probed these allegations, concluded there was no actual conflict of interest.
Message from Brent DiBartolo
September 25, 2003
Sent on Behalf of Brent Di Bartolo
Assistant Secretary
Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) have made the decision to re-tender the contract for the provision of relocation services to the Federal Public Service, the RCMP and the Canadian Forces.
Until the new process is complete, and a new contract is awarded, Royal Lepage Relocation Services will continue to administer the current contract and provide the relocation services specified in the NJC Relocation - Integrated Relocation Program Directive.
If you require further information, please contact the Project Authority, Ram Singh at (613) 957-9139.
Michel Bonin
SVC2003000378 - Public Works and Government Services Canada Date received: 2003-09-29
DND2003000771 - National Defence Date received: 2003-10-16
All records relating to the Military Police investigation pertaining to the Aug 03 decision made by Public Works and Government Services Canada and/or the Department of National Defence, Treasury Board, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to cancel and re-tender contract number 24062-020006/B (Royal Lepage) See A-2003-00670 and 671
TBS2003000131 - Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Date received: 2003-10-02
Access to e-mails sent back and forth between D. Ram Singh and any
officials at Royal LePage relocation services between January 1, 1999 and October 2, 2003.
[...] Haysam Al Yemeni, who is said to be the number three man of Al Qaeda, was killed by a missile sent from a an unmanned predator drone belonging to the CIA [...]There is chatter that the US is hot on the trail of Osama Bin Laden in the tribal region of Pakistan, but Pakistan is urging the US to push across the border out of Pakistan - to not kill or capture him on Pakistani soil. The concern is the stability of the Pakistani military and its leader.
Syria launched a military build up on its Iraq border after the American Army began a wide-ranging military operation in a region in Iraq near the Syrian border.
Eyewitnesses in this area reported that they heard canon, warplane and bombing sounds coming from Al Kaim Township and its surroundings.
Local inhabitants reported that Syrian armored vehicles went to the border region with soldiers in them. Eyewitnesses noted that the tension in the region is quite high, and they added that they are anxious due to heavy American bombardment in the Ak Kaim region and Husayba Town.
Syrian villagers in the region said that they cannot sleep at night due to the noise of exploding bombs and warplanes.
The American Army launched a large-scale operation on May 7 near the long Syrian border with Iraq in order to prevent the infiltration of men coming to support Jordanian Abu Musab Al Zarqawi's activities in Iraq.
Mr. Loyola Hearn (St. John's West, PC): Mr. Speaker, government officials have confirmed the public works department's fraud investigation unit was involved in probing the circumstances surrounding the Liberal cruise for contracts policy and the $1.4 billion relocation contract for Royal-Lepage.and here:
The Solicitor General has admitted the RCMP has been called in to investigate. Will he now table the internal audit which led to the investigation and can he tell us if there are other departments involved in this $1.4 billion scandal?
Ms. Judy Sgro (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, we are not aware of any RCMP investigation in this file.
Issues were raised and the minister and the department have re-tendered the contract.
Mr. Loyola Hearn (St. John's West, PC): Mr. Speaker, this investigation goes beyond what government is willing to admit.
Will the minister confirm that eight other members of the evaluation committee, representatives from the Department of National Defence, Treasury Board and the RCMP attended various Royal LePage sponsored golf tournaments at no costs to themselves?
Has the RCMP investigation it branched out to include other government departments?
Will Public Works re-evaluate the way contracts are tendered, to ensure this practice is discontinued?
Ms. Judy Sgro (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, as I indicated previously, we are not aware of any RCMP investigation into this particular contract.
Issues were raised to the minister and he felt it was better to turn around and re-tender this contract.
Mr. Loyola Hearn: Mr. Speaker, when we hear that the whole country is very excited, now we have proof of it.Today I received a communication today from a source that claims to be close to this story, containing the following words:
Like the infrastructure throughout the country, the Royal LePage scandal only gets worse by the day. Allegations of officials accepting gifts from Royal LePage involved more than one department.
Will the Minister of Defence tell the House if an internal investigation launched by the Canadian Forces National Investigation Service into the matter is complete and if so, what were the findings?
Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, both the Minister of National Defence and I are concerned about this matter. When issues came to the attention of the other bidders in the process, they took the proper steps before the CITT. When particular allegations were drawn to my attention, I had my department investigate them thoroughly and on the basis of that, the whole process was re-tendered in order to protect the public interest.
Mr. Loyola Hearn (St. John's West, PC): Mr. Speaker, several departments have been tainted by the allegations that some of their employees may have accepted gifts from Royal LePage. These include Public Works, Treasury Board, DND and the RCMP.
Would the Solicitor General tell the House if the RCMP conducted an internal investigation into these allegations and if so, what were the conclusions of that investigation?
Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Minister responsible for the Canadian Wheat Board and Federal Interlocutor for Métis and Non-Status Indians, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, all deputy minister and departmental heads responsible for this matter are conducting the appropriate investigations. I have every confidence that they will indeed take the proper decisions in order to make sure that the appropriate consequences flow where they should.
I called Hearn's office to ask for an update on the file and Curtis Beers, Legislative Assistant to Hearn told me quote "Mr. Hearn is not prepared to do anything that might embarrass his colleague, Senator Eyton" unquote.Not sure what to make of that. Odd.
"Commercial and residential brokerage services through wholly owned Royal LePage"
[...]John Williams publicized Elections Canada records that indicate the Royal LePage Relocations, the company at the centre of the ongoing conracting scandal at Public Works has donated thousands of dollars to the Liberal Party of Canada.
"The billion-dollar contract originally awarded to Royal LePage Relocations by Public Works seems to follow what the Auditor General has already said about this government, that 'public servants have broken every rule in the the book',", said Williams. "The fact that the contract is going to be re-tendered and that a new set of public servants will make the decision on the contract says volumes[...] In addition, its parent company Brascan Corp. has donated $80,424 to the Liberal Party in the last five years.
The unusual decision comes one month after the Canadian International Trade Tribunal determined that public servants evaluating the bids for the lucrative contract drew up the criteria to favour Royal LePage Relocations.We are reminded in this little refresher of a familiar set of players: the Public Accounts Committee, and Public Works. Again, some eyebrow-raising Liberal Party contribution patterns were reported involving Brascan and Royal LePage Relocations. So, under a cloud, the contract was taken to bid again. How proper was the contract rebidding? Seems there is a question about some cruising that took place.
Senator Eyton has served as a director of Brascan since September 1979. A resident of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, he is a Member of the Senate of Canada and a director of Noranda Inc., Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. and General Motors of Canada Limited. He is also Chairman of Canada’s Sports Hall of Fame and a Governor of the Canadian Olympic Foundation and Junior Achievement of Canada..Hansard:
Mr. Loyola Hearn (St. John's West, CPC): Mr. Speaker, yesterday the Minister of Finance pleaded innocent to any wrongdoing regarding the issuing of contracts. He said that all the rules throughout the process were indeed followed.Mr. Hearn was at that time in the Public Works critic for the CPC.
How then can he account for the secret internal letter sent to him by his colleague David Dingwall stating that the minister's department had demonstrated a pattern of non-compliance with and avoidance of Treasury Board guidelines?
Hon. Ralph Goodale (Minister of Finance, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, the specific letter that was referred to was one dated in March 1995 that talked about a certain polling activity that needed to be done in relation to the budget and the activities flowing out of the budget in the spring of 1995.
I explained at that time that there was an urgent reason why the work had to be done so the program could be administered properly, and that when the whole process was completed, the program was reviewed and received a favourable report from the Auditor General.
Mr. Leon Benoit (Lakeland, CPC): Mr. Speaker, over seven months ago, the government cancelled the $1 billion contract with Royal LePage. That relocation contract was one of the biggest contracts ever awarded. Today, despite the fact the government cancelled that contract, its friends over at Royal LePage are still getting paid. Again, it seems to be who one knows in the PMO.
Why is the company still getting paid seven months after the contract was cancelled?
Hon. Walt Lastewka (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, this question has been answered once before. As people know, there has been a review of this, and the public works department will be issuing more information shortly.
Mr. Leon Benoit (Lakeland, CPC): Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister keeps proving that Canadians simply cannot trust him. He said that he cancelled this contract seven months ago because it was not tendered properly, but here we are seven months later and Royal LePage keeps getting paid.
Does the Prime Minister honestly expect Canadians to believe that he has cancelled the contract when the company he gave the contract to is still getting paid?
Hon. Walt Lastewka (Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services, Lib.): Mr. Speaker, a complaint was filed to the CITT. There has been a re-tendering of the process. The public works department is presently evaluating it, and more information will be out shortly.
Paul Martin had a constitutional and moral responsibility to ascertain the confidence of the House of Commons on Wednesday. When he failed in this responsibility he was thumbing his nose at the conventions of responsible government and modern democracy. His government continued to disregard their constitutional responsibilities on Thursday and yesterday, leaving a frustrated opposition to demonstrate its lack of confidence repeatedly by taking control of parliamentary affairs in one vote after another. A government that has been shown to be unable to govern has stated that it will continue to stand in contempt of Parliament for the first three days of next week, but will finally face an explicit test of confidence on Thursday.
The problem with this strategy is that the unconstitutional delay in scheduling the vote of confidence saps it of its legitimacy. If the ministry, which is also manipulating all the levers of power every day it clings to office, wins the vote on Thursday the opposition will have every right to cry foul and continue to contest the government's legitimacy. It will almost certainly paralyze Parliament. At the very least the government's strategy is creating parliamentary bitterness and distrust such as we have never seen in the modern history of Canada. At worst, we are creating the kinds of precedents involving the erosion of our Constitution that in other countries have been initial steps on the road to dictatorship...
[...] Also frightening that people don't think, frightening that they speak in sound bites, frightening that they have lost the ability to question the status quo, to be offended by the abuse of their own money, to move out of their tired little political comfort zones.We let them steal the cake a crumb at a time, that's how Michael.
It's frightening that they are so complacent, frightening that they still believe Canada is respected, frightening that they assume the Americans even care about this country. Frightening that they watch reality television while the reality of Canada increasingly resembles a downmarket soap opera.
Frightening. Publicly frightening. Public education, public health, public child care, public radio, public lunacy. What is actually frightening is how this great nation became this way.
A $6.2-billion pledge over the next five years for Ontario's universities and colleges comes with strings attached, Premier Dalton McGuinty warned yesterday.Bravo, for that last bit Premier McGuinty.
"It is simply unreasonable to expect that we're going to flow that much new money into our postsecondary institutions and not demand higher accountability in return," Mr. McGuinty said.
The government proposes to extend the jurisdiction of the Freedom of Information Act to Ontario's universities. Also, Mr. McGuinty said that the provincial auditor will be able to go into colleges and universities "to make sure that we're getting a good return on our investment.
[...]I will immediately post any denunciation of this violence against homosexuals in Europe by any Islamic religious leader. I am listening.
Herman Terbalkt, of the Amsterdam Tourist Board, said: “Gay visitors should be careful and alert. Some people in Amsterdam are not tolerant of other people. It is a social problem.”
Social tensions have permeated to the heart of Reguliersdwarsstraat, the main gay street, known simply as the Straat, lined with cafés, restaurants and bars. Paul Buckley, originally from Birmingham, who works at the Downtown Café, was recently chased down the Straat by a Moroccan youth shouting flicker — Dutch for “faggot” — at him.
“I had to run into a café and hide, and he stood outside shouting abuse and threatening us for five minutes,” he said. “It was horrible. A lot of Moroccan and Turks aren’t that tolerant of homosexuality. They stand around causing trouble.”
A billion dollar contract to relocate civil servants across the country is mired in allegations of mismanagement and cronyism so serious that the parliamentary spending watchdog may send it to Canada's Auditor General for review next week.Just how many suitcases did they take on that cruise?
"A senior executive at Royal LePage vacationed with the senior person responsible for the bidding process on a cruise ship. There was a relationship that went far beyond your normal client supplier relationship," says Bruce Atyeo of Oakville based Envoy Relocation Services.
Myth 6: The UN proved that man–made CO2 causes global warming.Ask yourselves if you are willing to destroy your economy based on agendas established at the UN. I'm not.
Fact: In a 1996 report by the UN on global warming, two statements were deleted from the final draft. Here they are:
1) “None of the studies cited above has shown clear evidence that we can attribute the observed climate changes to increases in greenhouse gases.”
2) “No study to date has positively attributed all or part of the climate change to ………–made causes”
[...] Should there be a parliamentary inquiry in France, Chirac could be in serious trouble [...]Jacques: get on the hotline to Chairman Martin right away and to find out how to proactively set up a French
A biology class lesson in Gunnison, Utah involving the dissection of a live dog has outraged some parents and students, according to a report.I think it would be a really good experience to see how this teacher's brain works.
"I thought that it would be just really a good experience if they could see the digestive system in the living animal," Biology teacher Doug Bierregaard said.
Biology teacher Doug Bjerregaard, who is a substitute teacher at Gunnison Valley High School, wanted his students to see how the digestive system of a dog worked.
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada's minority Liberal government, under heavy pressure over a corruption scandal, looks set to lose a confidence vote next week, government and opposition officials said Friday.
Prime Minister Paul Martin has proposed Parliament vote on his budget next Thursday and says he will call an election if he loses.
The main opposition Conservative Party wants the vote immediately but indications are that whenever it is held, the Liberals have a poor chance of surviving, even though the vote will be close.
"This government is finished," a senior member of the cabinet confided.
BERLIN - Within hours of the opening of Germany’s national Holocaust memorial to the public, a vandal scratched a swastika into one of the 2,711 gray slabs, a spokesman for the memorial said Friday.
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:Free:
a) freedom of conscience and religion;
b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;
c) freedom of peaceful assembly; and
d) freedom of association.
"The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48"
Free Free (fr=e), a. Compar. Freer (-~er); superl.
Freest (-e^st). OE. fre, freo, AS. fre'o, frimac;
akin to D. vrij, OS. & OHG. frimac, G. frei, Icel.
frimac, Sw. & Dan. fri, Goth. freis, and also to Skr. prija
beloved, dear, fr. primac to love, Goth. frij=on. Cf.
Affray, Belfry, Friday, Friend, Frith inclosure.
1. Exempt from subjection to the will of others; not under
restraint, control, or compulsion; able to follow one's
own impulses, desires, or inclinations; determining one's
own course of action; not dependent; at liberty.
1913 Webster
That which has the power, or not the power, to
operate, is that alone which is or is not free.
1913 Webster
2. Not under an arbitrary or despotic government; subject
only to fixed laws regularly and fairly administered, and
defended by them from encroachments upon natural or
acquired rights; enjoying political liberty.
1913 Webster
Terrorism revealed its soul: merciless, vindictive and in love with death itself. There's no strategic plan behind the slaughter of Iraqi workers in a marketplace in Tikrit or the butchering of other Sunni Arabs in Hawija. Suicide bombings in a Baghdad bazaar don't have cunning goals.
The terror attacks are no longer about changing Iraq. They're about punishment.
Embittered and on the run, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi realizes that the tide has turned decisively against him. He and his international gang of terrorists couldn't dislodge the United States military or the Coalition, but only chipped at its edges. Their violence couldn't stop Iraq's elections. They couldn't prevent the formation of a new government.
Now they have to watch as their former allies, Iraq's Sunni Arabs, defect to the elected regime and turn in the foreign terrorists in their neighborhoods.
Our Marines — who always do a splendid job — are wrapping up Operation Matador in Iraq's wild west, cutting smuggling routes on the Syrian border. Instead of full-scale combat in teeming cities, the Marines are cleaning out villages and hamlets. The fighting is still tough and deadly, but the reduced scale is an incontestable measure of progress.
A year ago, the Iraqi house was on fire. Today, the blaze has been smothered and we're dealing with termites. The terrorists and dwindling bands of insurgents can still create brief, local havoc. But they've lost Iraq.
And they know it. So they're determined to make the Iraqi people suffer.
There is much tut-tutting North of the Queensway, this morning, about Stephen Harper's anger that the Paul Martin regime may be delaying the confidence vote in such a way that it adversely affects the health of two Conservative MPs now undergoing cancer treatment. The Martinettes were immediately thereafter on a full media campaign, talking points in hand, all soberly declaring Harper's allegation "low," and so on. Is it?
Well, I recall one Friday evening, a couple years ago, when I almost quit the Liberal Party of Canada. It was the night that the Martin cabal took over the riding association of former cabinet minister Herb Dhaliwal, knowing (a) Dhaliwal was out of the country and (b) his wife was dying of cancer. I had witnessed a lot political thuggery, to be sure, but I had never before seen anything as disgusting, and as inhuman, as that. It was only a friend in Ottawa who talked me out of quitting.
Second, a caller into CPAC suggested looking at the length of time some Liberals came into power in 1985 with next week's May 19 'scheduled budget vote date'. She claims that "a rump of Liberals" are waiting for this date because enough time will have lapsed that they will get their pensions as they know the government will fall anyway.
And this enables me to introduce my second authority on this subject, a distinguished Canadian scholar, the late Dr Eugene Forsey, who published in 1943 his classic text, The Royal Power of Dissolution of Parliament in the British Commonwealth. For many years out of print, it was reprinted in 1968. Professor George Winterton of the University of New South Wales in a publication by Legal Books, Sydney, in 1990 brought together the respective books of Evatt and Forsey in that single volume I have just mentioned and contributed his own Foreword. The book contains Evatt’s own Preface, a Foreword to the first edition of Evatt’s work by a then prominent socialist, Professor Harold Laski of the London School of Economics and Political Science, and the respective Introductions to both editions by Professor K.H. (later Sir Kenneth) Bailey and Sir Zelman Cowen. As something of a bonus it also includes a special Introduction by Dr Forsey entitled "The Present Position of the Reserve Powers of the Crown". Until he wrote that Introduction, Dr Forsey, apart from contributing an Epilogue to Sir John Kerr’s memoirs, Matters for Judgment, had only published on one of the reserve powers, the power of dissolution.Your Excellency, it is the opinion of this citizen, that you both possess the power, and bear the duty to dissolve this Parliament.
Turning now to those enumerated reserve powers, it is as well to say at the outset that the power to dismiss Ministers, to which Cowen has given pride of place, has been exercised in Australia twice and in each case it has involved an ALP ministry.
Citing interviews with Saddam’s former deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz, former vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan, and an unnamed former senior Iraqi official, the Senate report says that Iraq's Baathist regime, in doling out rights to buy cheap oil through the U.N. program, “gave priority to foreign officials, journalists and even terrorist entities.” Ramadan, Saddam’s former vice president, told Senate investigators that such oil allocations were “compensation for support.” According to the report, the list of terrorists named by these Iraqi officials as engaging in this quid pro quo includes “the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abu Abbas, and the Mujahedeen-e Khalq.”
Citing interviews with Saddam’s former deputy prime minister Tariq Aziz, former vice president Taha Yassin Ramadan, and an unnamed former senior Iraqi official, the Senate report says that Iraq's Baathist regime, in doling out rights to buy cheap oil through the U.N. program, “gave priority to foreign officials, journalists and even terrorist entities.” Ramadan, Saddam’s former vice president, told Senate investigators that such oil allocations were “compensation for support.” According to the report, the list of terrorists named by these Iraqi officials as engaging in this quid pro quo includes “the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Abu Abbas, and the Mujahedeen-e Khalq.”
(That U.N. commission totaled $1.4 billion, from which U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan last year plucked $30 million in residual funds to cover the U.N.-authorized independent inquiry led by former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, who has yet to provide the kind of insight offered in this Senate report)
Antonio Nicaso, a well known organized crime specialist and author, has said that Canada has become one of the world's most important centres for global crime syndicates in part because of federal regulations and laws. He has stated that prior to Bill C-22 it was harder to import cheese into Canada due to the restriction of the minister of agriculture than it was to import a suitcase full of money.
The RCMP commissioner has said recently that for the first time there are signs of criminal organizations which are so sophisticated they are actually focusing on destabilizing certain aspects of our society.
I am new to this sort of thing, not really much of an activist. I am so disgusted with this Liberal Government and their NDP cohorts, Volpe and his KKK comments, Valeri saying how they still run the House, Paul Martin out there buying all the MP votes he can and throwing loads of cash appeasing all the special interests. 19 NDP votes $4.6 million, David Kilgour $160 million and how many Canadian Armed Services Personnel. Democracy? In what country could you stifle the Opposition and cancel Opposition days and get away with it. If this was done to any of these two Parties there would be such a fuss. I am by no means extreme right, I am I would say a Progressive Conservative who has compassion for the less fortunate. There are lots of us and need to awaken to the fact that unless we start to care what is happening to this country it will be too late and every special interest group will be taking there piece of the pie and we will be footing the bill. I am so disgusted with this attitude that all politicians are crooked, there has been some patronage before but never the level of corruption and outright theft of public funds as being disclosed at the Gomery Inquiry. I am going to call the Riding Association where Volpe is going to run and Volunteer there. I live in Bulte riding but would love to help unseat that******* Volpe. The silent majority has to get off it ass before it is too late.
[...]For the Governor General's latest comment on our constitutional crisis, read here
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper called on Gov. Gen. Adrienne Clarkson to step in - although she can't force an election on her own.
However, the Governor General can summon the prime minister to Rideau Hall and advise him to dissolve Parliament and call an election.
''We've now demonstrated three days in a row (that) the government does not have the confidence of the House,'' Harper said.
''It could go on until the government or the Governor General is forced to admit that the government's lost its mandate to govern the country.''
Prime Minister Paul Martin suspended a cabinet meeting as his ministers scurried down the Centre Block staircase to take part in an adjournment vote.
The government lost 152-144.
Martin responded with a new $170-million aid package for Sudan which he cited as proof his government is still functioning.
But the Conservatives will fight the Liberal plan to delay the votes until Thursday. They want them by Monday at the latest and say they will vote against any motion to schedule the confidence showdown Thursday.
WASHINGTON (AFP) - The United States ordered an Air France flight from Paris to Boston diverted after a passenger whose name is on a terrorism watch list was found to be on board, US security officials said.Would "co-operating fully" not include checking the list before takeoff?
Flight AF-332 was told to go to Bangor in the northeastern state of Maine [...]
Air France said there were 169 passengers on board and that it was "cooperating to the fullest extent with US authorities".
French authorities did not detect the person on the watch list when the passenger boarded at Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport, said a TSA official, speaking on condition of anonymity.
After takeoff, Air France relayed the passenger list to US authorities as usual. US security officials then found that one of the passengers' names was on the watch list. They contacted Air France to have the plane diverted, the source said.
May/12 4:26 PM Costa Rica San Jose Toronto Public Library
Nice day for a gay wedding
They may not have won the Amazing Race, but Lynn Warren and Alex Ali are winning the game of love. The popular gay couple from Amazing Race 7, has accepted an all-expenses-paid invitation from a Canadian radio station to tie the knot in Ottawa on June 1.
Warren, 30, and Ali, 22, can’t legally be married in their home state of California, so they jumped at the chance to jump the broom in Canada.
The ceremony may draw a few protesters, but Rob Mise, Operations Manager at HOT 89.9 FM, says the station feels most Canadians are in favour of gay marriage.
With same-sex legislation before the House of Commons, Mise says the location, overlooking Parliament Hill, is perfect.
“We are inviting all the leaders (of the federal parties) and we expect most of them will come — that is except for (Conservative leader) Stephen Harper,” he says.
CTV plans to broadcast parts of the ceremony. Several major entertainment and news shows such as Entertainment Tonight have confirmed their attendance.
The couple is set to arrive in Ottawa on May 30th.
The Canadian Tourism Commission is sidelining the "Mounties, mountains and moose" it has relied on for decades to attract foreign tourists.
It's part of an extreme makeover the commission is giving to the "Canada" brand, after market research found Canada has lost much of its appeal as a destination.[...]