Thursday, May 19, 2005

Beautiful View From the Alps of the Caribbean

'Related party disclosures'
Bank Austria Cayman Islands Ltd., Georgetown, Grand Cayman Islands c 100.00

exotic German online forum
[...] and the supervisory board boss of the bank Austria, Gerhard Randa [...] [translated from German - always a special surprise]

Google cached HBV Group holdings document
Bank Austria Cayman Islands Ltd., George Town
BA-Alpine Holdings, Inc., Wilmington
What's it all mean? I thought the disclosure thing was kind of eye-catching. Expect we'll be seeing more disclosures sooner or later - and you never know what language they'll be in - so, for a warmup, I thought I would give the nifty Google German-English translation feature a test drive. A bit loose on the corners, but fairly decent performance in the straightaways.