Canada's Strong Role of Pride and Leadership
Speaking of Canada's leadership role in peace, love, humanitarian aid, the environment and all that good stuff...
National Post:

Cheque it out.

National Post:
Mr. Park was intercepted in Mexico City on a flight from Canada. What was he doing in Canada? Second, he was reportedly taken into custody as a result of a posting from Interpol. Don't Canadian airports check for those wanted by Interpol? Or is it that they don't check for those wanted in the U.S.? Or perhaps who are connected with the Liberal Party of Canada?[...]

Cheque it out.
[...]And what about this Cordex? We find it listed here:
On July 16, 1997, Strong met with Park in New York, according to Volcker. That was two days after the reform package was announced. Within the week, again according to Volcker, Park traveled to Baghdad, picked up at least $1 million in cash, took it to Jordan and deposited it in a newly opened account in Amman's Housing Bank. From that account, the bank that same day issued the $988,885 check, made out to "Mr. M. Strong" and dated July 30, 1997.
A few days later, Park was back in New York, where, according to Volcker, Strong's calendar showed an August 4 meeting with Park. By August 5, Strong had endorsed over the check as part of a transaction transferring to Park from another businessman, Theodore Kheel, an interest in Strong's family-controlled company, Cordex — which soon after went bankrupt.
Companies Owned Directly or Indirectly by Canada Steamship Lines Inc.:And we all know who owned CSL at the time:
Atlasco Shipping Ltd. (Barbados) owns one vessel which is leased to CSL International -- 100 per cent owned.
Hull 2229 Shipping Inc. (Barbados) (owns the CSL Spirit vessel) -- 100 per cent owned.
Canada Steamship Lines Holding B.V. (Netherlands) -- 51 per cent owned.
CSL Asia shipping Pte. Ltd. (Singapore) -- 100 per cent owned.
Cordex Petroleums Inc. (oil and gas exploration and production) (Alberta) - 4.6 per cent owned by The CSL Group Inc.
Guadeloupe Cable International Inc. (Barbados) -- 30.03 per cent owned.

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